BRILLAT-SAVARIN, JEAN ANTHELME: Lettre autographe à M. Dumoulin. 19.6×30.0cm.
JPY 100,000 

Deuxieme edition. Paris, Sautelet, 1828.
JPY 50,000
Borella: The Court and Country Confectioner; Or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers;...
New edition. London, Riley, 1772. 20 x 13 cm., modern half morocco, endpapers renewed, titlepage repaired, lightly browned, uncut, margin chipping, a few misnumbered pages.
JPY 80,000 

Les OEuvres de M. A. Carême.

Carême, M.A.: Le Pâtissier Royal Parisien, ou Traité élémentaire et pratique de la pâtisserie ancienne et moderne.
Paris, Dentu, 1815. 2 vols. 20.8 × 12.8 cm., full calf, previous owner's inscription to front endpaper, ex-libris(Marcus Crahan).

Carême, M.A.: La Patissier Royal Parisien.
Deuxième édition.
Paris, chez l’auteur, 1828. 2 vols. 21.0 × 13.0 cm., quarter sheepskin, foxing.
JPY 150,000
Carême, M.A.: La Patissier Royal Parisien.
Ou traité élémentaire et pratique de la pâtisserie ancient et moderne. Troisième édition. Paris et Leipsig, Renouard, 1841. 22.5×14.0 cm., quarter calf, original wrapper bound in.
JPY 80,000 

Porter, John (ed.)/Carême, M.A.: The Royal Parisian Pastrycook and Confectioner.
London, Mason, 1834. 20.5 × 13.0 cm., cloth.
JPY 50,000

Carême, M.A.: Le pâtissier pittoresque.
4e édition. Paris, chez MM, 1842. 23.0×15.0 cm, half leather, slightly worn, some waterstains, foxing.
JPY 100,000 

フランスの給仕長(署名入) 全2巻
Carême, M.A.: Le Maître d’Hôtel Français.
Paris, Didot, 1823. 2 vols. 22.0 × 13.5 cm., half calf, foxing.

Carême, M.A.: Le Cuisinier Parisien ou l’Art de la Cuisine Française au XIX siècle.
Deuxième édition. Paris, chez l'auteur, 1828. 21.0 × 13.0 cm., quarter shagreen, tear at one plate repaired with adhesive tape, foxing.

19世紀フランス料理芸術(初版) 3巻
Carême, M.A.: L’Art de la Cuisine Francaise au XIX siècle.
Paris, Renouard, Tresse, Mansut et Maison, n.d.(1833-35). 3 vols. 21.5 × 13.5 cm., quarter calf, slightly worn, foxing.

19世紀フランス料理芸術 5巻
Carême, M.A. [Plumerey,A.] : L’art de la cuisine française au dix-neuvième siècle. 5 vols.
Paris, Au depot de librairie, 1854. 22.5×14.0 cm., half morocco.
JPY 100,000 

Cauderlier: La pâtisserie et les confitures.
Quatrième édition. Gand, Ad. Hoste, n.d.
JPY 40,000 

Collingwood, Francis & John Woollams:The Universal Cook, and City and Country Housekeeper.
Third edition. London, Scatcherd, n.d.[1801] half calf, foxing, a few wormholes.
JPY 15,000 

Darenne & Duval:Traité de pâtisserie moderne: guide du pâtissier-traiteur.
Deuxième édition. Paris, La Cuisine Francaise et Etrangere, 1912. 22.0 x 14.4 cm., quarter calf, leaves browned, foxing.
JPY 30,000 
Darenne & Duval:Traité de pâtisserie moderne: guide du pâtissier-traiteur.
Troisième édition. Np., nd. 21.5 x 13.8 cm., modern cloth-backed boards.
JPY 15,000 

Dubois, Urbain & Émile Bernard: La Cuisine Classique; Etudes pratiques, raisonnees et demonstratives de l'ecole francaise appliquee au service a la Russe.
Paris, Chez les Auteurs, 1856. 31 x 23 cm., quarter morocco, engraved frontispiece, spine and corners somewhat damaged, some foxing, one plate repaired with adhesive tape, sined by the authors.
JPY 150,000 

Dumas, Alexandre: Petit Dictionnaire de Cuisine.
Paris, Lemerre, 1882. 19.5 x 12.5 cm., quarter morocco bound by Koji Okamoto, original wrappers bound in, uncut.
JPY 50,000 
*大デュマの遺作となった料理書Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine(料理大事典)の抄録版。名料理長アントナン・カレームの弟子J・ヴュイユモ改訂。原表紙綴込、背革装。

Dumont, G.: La pâtisserie.
Cours élémentaire en 10 leçons. Paris, Editions de "Culina", [1910.] 24.0 x 17.0 cm., half cloth, covers rubbed and slightly soiled, waterstains, foxing, a few small tears to margin.
JPY 25,000 

Duval, Émile: Traité général de confiserie moderne desserts, glaces, chocolats.
Chez les auteurs, 1905. 23.0 x 15.0 cm., modern quarter leather, spine sunned, small stamps to titlepage, a few leaves reinforced with adhesive tape.
JPY 40,000 

エミー:氷菓の上手な製造法 (初版)
Emy, M.: L'Art de Bien Faire les Glaces d'office; ou les vrais principes pour congeler tous les Rafraichissemens.
Paris, Le Clerc, 1768. 17.0 × 10.0 cm., full calf, spine gilt, a few wormholes repaired, trace of peeledoff exlibris to endpaper. [Vicaire 328]
JPY 100,000 

Escoffier, A.:
Les fleurs en cire.
Nouvelle édition. Paris, Bibliotheque de l’art culinaire, 1910. 19.0×14.8 cm., quarter morocco, t.e.g., uncut, original wrappers bound in, ex-libris (Pierre Orsi).
JPY 90,000 

Favre, Joseph:
Dictionnaire universel du cuisine. 4 vols.
Encyclopédie illustrée d'hygiène alimentaire: modification de l'homme par l'alimentation. Premiere édition - Deuxième tirage. Paris, n.d. 29.0 x 23.0 cm., quarter morocco, extremities rubbed, bookseller stamp to titlepage, small tear to corner, foxing.
JPY 90,000 

La Framboisiere, Nicolas Abraham: Le gouvernement necessaire a chacun pour vivre longuement en sante.
Paris, Marc Orry, 1608. 17.0×10.4 cm., quarter calf (rebacked), ex-libris of Raymond Oliver, some pencil marking.
JPY 150,000

Francatelli, Charles Elme: The Cook's Guide and Housekeeper's & Butler's Assistant.
London, Bentley, 1861. 18.5 x 12.0 cm., blind-stamped cloth, hinges cracked but soundly bound, previous owner's stamp to some margins, 24 pages of advertising, a few creases at upper margin.
JPY 20,000 

Francatelli, Charles Elmé: The Modern Cook; A Practical Guide to the Culinary Art.
Twelfth edition revised and enlarged. London, Bentley, 1860. 23.0 x 15.0 cm., blind-stamped cloth, spine sunned, foxing.
JPY 15,000 

Francatelli, Charles Elmé: The Royal Confectioner: English and Foreign.
Fifth edition. London, Chapman and Hall, 1887. 19.8 x 13.0 cm., modern half morocco.
JPY 20,000 
ガストロノミアーナ/ガスコニアーナ/ジョクリシアーナ 3種合本1冊(レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵本)
Gastronomiana, ou Recueil d'Anecdotes, Reflexions, Maximes et Folies Gourmandes.
Paris, Marchands, n.d.(c.1810) ; Calendrier Gregorien pour l'an de N.S.J.C. 1825.; Gascogniana, ou recueil de bon mots. Avignon, J.-A. Joly, 1809; Jocrissiana, ou Bon mots de Jocrisse. Avignon, J.-A. Joly, 1813. 10.5 x 6.5 cm., quarter leather (rebacked), rear hinge weakened, foxing, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver. 3 handcoloured plates.
JPY 50,000 
*「ガストロノミアーナ 美食に関する逸話集」「ガスコニアーナ ガスコーニュ地方の名句集」「ジョクリシアーナ ジョクリス名言集」および1825年の暦を合本した小型本。彩色木版画3枚入。背革装(傷み)、後見返しノド少緩み、本文シミ有。レイモン・オリヴェ蔵書票付。
Glasse, H.: The Compleat Confectioner: or, the Whole Art of Confectionary made plain and easy.
London, printed and sold at Mrs. Ashburner's China Shop…/I. Pottinger/ J. Williams, n.d. 21.5 × 13.5 cm., modern quaerter calf, endpapers renewed, booksellers' labels.
JPY 200,000 
*ハンナ・グラス(1708-1770)は18世紀にベストセラーとなったレシピ本『質素で簡単な料理術 The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy』の著者。同書はアメリカでも人気を博し、ベンジャミン・フランクリンやジェファーソン、ワシントン等も所蔵していたことで知られる。類似の副題をもつ本書も、500種以上のビスケットやケーキ、ジャム、シロップや飲料の作り方を簡潔に示している。近年の背仔牛革装、少水シミ跡、数カ所小虫穴。
Lamb, Patrick : Royal Cookery; or, the Complete Court-Cook.
Containing the choicest receipts in all the particular branches of cookery, now in the use in the Queen's palaces of St. James's, Kensington, Hampton-Court, and Windsor.
London, Abel Roper, 1710. 19.0 × 12.0 cm., modern half morocco, faint waterstain, plates slightly chipped.
JPY 500,000 

[La Varenne, François Pierre de]: Le Pastissier françois, où est enseigné la maniere de faire toute sorte de personnes.
Amsterdam, Louys & Daniel Elzevier, 1655. 13.0 × 7.5 cm., full red morocco with gilt decoration (Trautz-Bauzonnet), a.e.g., ink and pencil inscriptions to flyleaf ("Examlaire de MM. Sencier, Bignon(V. le Manuel), Millot et du Marquis de Coislin" "de M. Montesson et M. Potier."), ex-libris, joint slightly cracked. [Vicaire 659-64; Brunet IV, 426-27; Willems 1187]
JPY 4,500,000
*ラ・ヴァレンヌ(1615-1678)はブルゴーニュ出身の料理人で、フランス料理に革新をもたらした17世紀の主要なシ ェフの一人。本書は著者名の記載がないが、『フランスの料理人 Le Cuisinier françois』とならぶ彼の主著の一つとみなされている。初版(パリ、1653年)につづきアムステルダムで刊行された本第2版は、料理書の古典としてのみならず、16~18世紀にかけて活動した出版社エルゼヴィアによる刊本のなかでも最も稀覯とされている。現存する刊本は極少数で、1880年のウィレムス『エルゼヴィア書誌 Les Elzevier: histoire et annales typographiques』には29部が記録されるのみ。本書はその筆頭に挙げられた《サンシェ本》で、ビニョン、コワスラン、モンテッソン、シルヴァー、 クラハン各氏に所蔵されてきたもの。銅版口絵入、トロー=ボーゾネによる赤色モロッコ革装、表紙内側金箔縁取濃紺モロッコ革貼、見返しマーブル紙、三方金、蔵書票、見返しに来歴の書入あり。ジョイント少傷み、表紙極少変色、見返し・本文極少シミ。
マラン:コーモスの贈り物 あるいは食卓の歓び(初版)
[Marin, F.] : Les Dons de Comus, ou les Delices de la Table.
Paris, Prault, 1739. 16.8 × 10.0 cm., full calf, joint and corners repaired, engraved frontispiece by Le Bas, printed bibliographical notes glued to rear endpaper, ex-libris of baron Horace de Landau. [Vicaire 284]
JPY 150,000 

[Massialot, François]: Le Cuisinier Roial et Bourgeois, qui apprend a ordonner toute…
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1703. 17.5 x 10 cm., blind-stamped parchment, slightly browned, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver, Gilles de Balincourt and Christian Heinrich von Schönburg.
デ・ラ・マタ:製菓術 (第2版)
Mata, Juan de la : Arte de Reposteria, en que se contiene todo genero de hacer Dulces secos, y en liquido, vizcochos, turrones, natas: bebidas peladas de todos Generos, rosolis, mistelas, &c.
Madrid, Joseph Garsia Lanza, 1755. 21.2 × 14.5 cm., blind tooled calf, gilt spine, edges marbled, very slightly rubbed, ink inscription to recto of titlepage, small bookseller's label to rear pastedown, printed bibliographical note glued to rear endpaper. [Vicaire 577].
JPY 150,000 

Le Menagier de Paris, Traite de Morale et d'Economie Domestique compose vers 1393, par un bourgeois parisien.
Paris, Crapelet, 1846. 22.5 x 14.8 cm., quarter morocco, inner hinge slightly damaged, ex-libris of Raymond Olivier.
JPY 150,000

Nott, John : The Cooks and Confectioners Dictionary; or, the Accomplish'd Housewives Companion.
Third edition. London, Charles Rivington, 1726. 20.0 × 13.0 cm., blind-stamped calf, slightly foxing, printed bibliographical note glued to rear endpaper, small bookseller's label.
JPY 200,000 

新フランス菓子 あるいは現代菓子職人の技術(初版) レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵
[Anonyme] : Nouveau Confiseur Francais, ou l'Art du Confiseur moderne.
Dijon, Noellat/ Paris, Lagier, 1827. 18.5 × 11.5 cm., modern quarter calf, original wrappers bound in, uncut, printed bibliographical note glued to rear flyleaf, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver.
JPY 100,000 

ペグ:料理の方法 中世英国献立集
[Pegge, Samuel]: The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery, Complied, about A.D.1390, by the Master-Cooks of King Richard II, Presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth, by Edward Lord Stafford, and now in the possession of Gustavus Brander, Esq.
London, Nichols, 1780. 23.5 x 14 cm, modern half morocco, text lightly browned, edges chipping, a tear repaired, some pencil inscription. With the armorial bookplate of Pegge of Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire and ex-libris of Harry Schraemli.
JPY 80,000 
*14世紀頃の料理書を18世紀の学者サミュエル・ペグが再編・刊行した書。原本は羊皮紙に書かれた写本(巻物)で、Gustavus Branderが所蔵していたもの。近年の背角モロッコ革装、本文少変色、少破れ(補修済)、鉛筆書入有。ペグ家の一員の蔵書票およびスイス出身のホテル支配人で料理書の著作もあるHarry Schraemliの蔵書票。
[Shirley, John] : The Accomplished Ladies Rich Closet of Rarities; or, the genious Gentlewoman and Servant-Maids Delightful Companion.
London, W. and F. Wilde, for N. Boddington, 1691. 15.0 × 8.5 cm., modern quarter morocco, endpapers renewed, margin trimmed, a few small holes to text, printed bibliographical note glued to rear endpaper.
JPY 150,000 
Soyer, Alexis: The Gastronomic Regenerator: a Simplified and Entirely New System of Cookery.
Fourth edition. London, Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1847. pictorial cloth, foxing.
JPY 50,000
Soyer, Alexis: The Modern Housewife, or Menagere.
London, Simpkin. Marshall and co., 1849. 19.5 x 13.0 cm., blind-stamped cloth, text leaves browned, ink inscription to front flyleaf (dated 1849).
JPY 18,000
Soyer, Alexis: The Pantropheon, or, History of Food, and its preparation from the earliest ages of the world.
London, Simpkin. Marshall and co., 1853. 24.4 x 16.0 cm., pictorial cloth, t.e.g., some foxing, a few plates chipped at margin.
JPY 10,000

Thacker, John: The Art of Cookery.
Containing above six hundred and fifty of the most approv'd receipts heretofore, under the following Heads, viz… Newcastle upon Tyne, Thompson and company, 1758. 19.8 x 12.8 cm., quarter calf.
JPY 100,000

Urbain-Dubois: Cuisine de tous les pays.
Huitième édition. Paris, Dentu et al., 1901. 24.3 x 18.2 cm., modern half leather, frontispiece repaired on verso, foxing.
JPY 50,000