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藪内清著作集 全8巻
第7巻 欧 文
『藪内清著作集』編集委員会 編 【呈内容見本】
税込14,300円(本体13,000円+税) ISBN978-4-653-04447-5【2019年10月刊】
Sur les Conditions Thermiques d’un Météorite s’approchant du Soleil d’après la Loi de la Gravitation
Note sur les ellipsoïdes de Maclaurin et de Jacobi d’un corps liquide, ayant une masse finie au centre
Indian and Arabian Astronomy in China
The Development of the Sciences in China from the 4th to the End of the 12th Century
On the Devolopment of Astronomy in Ancient China
Astronomical Tables in China, From the Han to the T’ang Dynasties
Astronomical Tables in China, From the Wutai to the Ch’ing Dynasties
L’astronomie ancienne du Japon
Islamic Astronomy in China
The Pre-history of Modern Science in Japan: The Importation of Western Science During the Tokugawa Period
Astrology of Western Origin in Ancient Japan
Comparative Aspects of the Introduction of Western Astronomy into China and Japan, Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries
Chinese Astronomy : Development and Limiting Factors
The Calendar Reforms in the Han Dynasties and Ideas in their Background
Western Science in Japan and China
The Main Current of Chinese Science in the 17th and 18th Centuries
The Study of the History of Chinese Science in Kyoto
Researches on the Chiu-chih li Indian Astronomy under the T’ang Dynasty
The Influence of Islamic Astronomy in China
European Sciences introduced in the late Ming Dynasty
Our Studies in the History of Science in East Asia
Islamic Astronomy in China during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties
Yabuuti Kiyosi as a Historian of Exact Sciences(矢野道雄)
Professor Dr. Kiyosi YABUUTI 藪内 清(12/02/1906―02/06/2000)(橋本敬造)
解 題(矢野道雄)
月報: 「憶い出」相川佳予子(元奈良女子大学教授)