Part II
*Part I はこちらからご覧ください*
価格は税別本体価格(送料別)| Prices in JPY (excluding tax)
Appert: L'Art de Conserver, Pendant Plusieurs Annees.
Paris, Patris, 1810. 20 x 13 cm., rebound in cloth with blind-stamped letter "FRANKLIN INSTITUT", author's signature to verso of half-title repaired with backing.
JPY 60,000
Borella: The Court and Country Confectioner; Or, the House-Keeper's Guide; To a more speedy, plain, and familiar method of understanding the whole art of confectionary, pastry, distilling, and the making of fine flavoured English wines from all kinds of fruits, herbs, and flowers;...
New edition. London, Riley, 1772. 20 x 13 cm., modern half morocco, endpapers renewed, titlepage repaired, lightly browned, uncut, margin chipping, a few misnumbered pages.
JPY 80,000
Dubois, Urbain & Émile Bernard: La Cuisine Classique; Etudes pratiques, raisonnees et demonstratives de l'ecole francaise appliquee au service a la Russe.
Paris, Chez les Auteurs, 1856. 31 x 23 cm., quarter morocco, engraved frontispiece, spine and corners somewhat damaged, some foxing, one plate repaired with adhesive tape, sined by the authors.
JPY 150,000
Urban-Dubois: Cuisine Artistique; Etudes de l'ecole moderne.
Paris, Dentu, 1872. 30.5 x 23.5 cm., quarter calf, marbled edges, some faint waterstains, foxing.
2 vols. SOLD
Urban-Dubois: Le Grand Livre des Patissiers et des Confiseurs.
Paris, Dentu, 1883. 30 x 23 cm., recent quarter morocco, some foxing, a small hole to titlepage of vol.2.
2 vols. SOLD
Dumas, Alexandre: Petit Dictionnaire de Cuisine.
Paris, Lemerre, 1882. 19.5 x 12.5 cm., quarter morocco bound by Koji Okamoto, original wrappers bound in, uncut.
JPY 60,000
*大デュマの遺作となった料理書Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine(料理大事典)の抄録版。名料理長アントナン・カレームの弟子J・ヴュイユモ改訂。原表紙綴込、背革装。
Escoffier, A.: Le Guide Culinaire: Aide-memoire de cuisine pratique. Avec la collaboration de MM. Phileas Gilbert, E. Fetu, A. Suzanne, B. Reboul, Ch. Dietrich, A. Caillat, etc. Dessins de Victor Morin.
Paris, L'Art Culinaire, 1903. 22 x 13.8 cm., cloth, spine faeded, edges spotted, text slightly browned, one plate of table ("Garde-Manger") torn at fold.
Escoffier, A. : A Guide to Modern Cookery.
London, Heinemann, 1907. 24.5 x 15 cm., half morocco bound by Bayntun Riviere, t.e.g., small bookseller's label.
Francatelli, Charles Elme: The Cook's Guide and Housekeeper's & Butler's Assistant.
London, Bentley, 1861. 18.5 x 12.0 cm., blind-stamped cloth, hinges cracked but soundly bound, previous owner's stamp to some margins, 24 pages of advertising, a few creases at upper margin.
JPY 20,000
L'Escole Parfaite des Officiers de Bouche.
Paris, Jean Ribou, 1676. 15.5 x 9.5 cm., contemporary calf, front hinge cracked but soundly bound, foxing, ex-libris of Edith-Helene Le Bas and ink inscription of previous owner.
ガルラン:現代料理 または料理の秘訣(初版)
Garlin, Gustave: Le Cuisinier Moderne; ou les Secrets del'Art Culinaire: Menus - Haute Cuisine - Patisserie - Glaces - Office, etc. Suivi d'un dictionnaire complet des termes techniques. Ouvrage complet illustre de 60 planches (330 dessins).
Paris, Garnier, 1887. 30.5 x 23.5 cm., recent quarter morocco, signed by the author, some foxing, a few waterstains.
ガストロノミアーナ/ガスコニアーナ/ジョクリシアーナ 3種合本1冊(レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵本)
Gastronomiana, ou Recueil d'Anecdotes, Reflexions, Maximes et Folies Gourmandes.
Paris, Marchands, n.d.(c.1810) ; Calendrier Gregorien pour l'an de N.S.J.C. 1825.; Gascogniana, ou recueil de bon mots. Avignon, J.-A. Joly, 1809; Jocrissiana, ou Bon mots de Jocrisse. Avignon, J.-A. Joly, 1813. 10.5 x 6.5 cm., quarter leather (rebacked), rear hinge weakened,foxing. 3 handcoloured plates.
JPY 50,000
*「ガストロノミアーナ 美食に関する逸話集」「ガスコニアーナ ガスコーニュ地方の名句集」「ジョクリシアーナ ジョクリス名言集」および1825年の暦を合本した小型本。彩色木版画3枚入。背革装(修理済)、後見返しノド少緩み、本文シミ有。レイモン・オリヴェ蔵書票付。
Gilliers, Joseph: Le Cannameliste Francais.
Nancy, Abel-Denis Cusson, 1751. 27.5 x 22.5 cm., contemporary marbled boards, covers rubbed, frontispiece frayed, a few small wormholes, uncut, ex-libris of Leon Lambert, housed in quarter-morocco case.
[Glasse, H.]: The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy, which far exceeds any thing of the kind ever yet published.
London, printed for the Author, 1747. 28.5 x 19 cm., full calf, slightly rubbed, endpaper browned, printed notes glued to front pastedown, ink inscription to titlepage and final blank, foxing.
〔グリモ・ド・ラ・レニエール〕『美食年鑑』第1~8年(初版・第2版・第4版) レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵
[Grimod de la Reyniere]: Almanach des Gourmands par un Vieil Amateur.
Paris, I: 4 ed., J.Chaumerot, 1810; II-III: 2nd ed., Maradan, 1805-1806; IV-VIII: 1e ed., Maradan & Chaumerot, 1806-1810. 13.5 x 8.5 cm., full calf, gilt spine, morocco label, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver, John Wingfield Larking, Charles Arthur Wynne Firch.
[Massialot, François]: Le Cuisinier Roial et Bourgeois, qui apprend a ordonner toute…
Paris, Claude Prudhomme, 1703. 17.5 x 10 cm., blind-stamped parchment, slightly browned, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver, Gilles de Balincourt and Christian Heinrich von Schönburg.
JPY 100,000
[Massialot, François]: Nouvelle Instruction pour les Confitures, les liqueurs, et les Fruits
Paris, Didot, 1751. 17 x 10 cm., full calf, some foxing, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver.
Le Menagier de Paris, Traite de Morale et d'Economie Domestique compose vers 1393, par un bourgeois parisien.
Paris, Crapelet, 1846. 22.5 x 14.8 cm., quarter morocco, inner hinge slightly damaged, ex-libris of Raymond Olivier.
JPY 150,000
[Menon]: La Science du Maitre d'Hotel, Confiseur, a l'usage des officiers.
Paris, la Compagnie des Libraires associes, 1788. 16.5 x 10 cm., full calf, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver.
Nignon, Edouard: Eloges de la Cuisine Francaise.
Présentation de Sacha Guitry. Paris, Piazza, 1933. 24.5 x 19.5 cm., quarter morocco bound by Koji Okamoto, numerous vignettes by Pierre Courtois printed in green.
Nignon, Edouard: Les Plaisirs de la Table.
Préface de Robert de Flers, avec dessins de P. F. Grignon. Paris, chez l'auteur & Meynial, n.d.(1926). bound by Chris Lew's, original wrappers bound in, author's dedication inscribed to first blank.
JPY 80,000
ノストラダムス:真正にして完全なる美容法と身体の保全(復刻版) レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵
Nostradamus, Michel: Le Vray et Parfait Embellissement de la Face et Conservation du Corps en son Entier. La Seconde Partie, contenant la façon et maniere de faire toutes confitures liquides, tant en succre, miel, qu'en vin cuit.
Paris, Gutenberg Reprints, 1979. [Original edition: Anvers, Plantin, 1557.] No.6 of H.C. with publisher's booklet (small hole to front leaf). 15 x 10.2 cm., full calf with gilt decoration, marbled edges, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver.
JPY 30,000
ペグ:料理の方法 中世英国献立集
[Pegge, Samuel]: The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery, Complied, about A.D.1390, by the Master-Cooks of King Richard II, Presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth, by Edward Lord Stafford, and now in the possession of Gustavus Brander, Esq.
London, Nichols, 1780. 23.5 x 14 cm, modern half morocco, text lightly browned, edges chipping, a tear repaired, some pencil inscription. With the armorial bookplate of Pegge of Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire and ex-libris of Harry Schraemli.
JPY 100,000
*14世紀頃の料理書を18世紀の学者サミュエル・ペグが再編・刊行した書。原本は羊皮紙に書かれた写本(巻物)で、Gustavus Branderが所蔵していたもの。近年の背角モロッコ革装、本文少変色、少破れ(補修済)、鉛筆書入有。ペグ家の一員の蔵書票およびスイス出身のホテル支配人で料理書の著作もあるHarry Schraemliの蔵書票。
ジャムの手引 あるいは最新完全製菓法(レイモン・オリヴェ旧蔵本)
Traite de Confiture ou le nouveau et parfait Confiturier ui enseigne la manière de bien faire toutes sortes de confitures tant sèches que liquides…
Paris, Thomas Guillain, 1689. 15.8 x 9.2 cm.,full calf, a few waterstains, foxing, old ink inscription to titlepage, ex-libris of Raymond Oliver and the other one.
Utrecht-Friedel: Le Confiseur Royal, ou L'art du Confiseur devoile aux gourmands.
Paris, Tardieu-Denesle, 1818. Cinquieme edition. 17 x 10 cm., later calf with gilt decoration, engraved frontispiece, a.e.g., ex-libris of Harry Schraemli, printed bibliographical note glued to rear endpaper.
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